“Hightech Kaunas” Cluster Members Meeting
As 2024 came to an end the Hightech Kaunas cluster held a members’ meeting. The discussion focused on project progress and milestones, evaluating achievements, and sharing insights into sector challenges and opportunities. Members actively exchanged ideas and collaborated to find solutions for more effective project implementation. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to reflect on...

‘HightTech Kaunas’ cluster will strengthen its global competitiveness abroad
Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Crafts, together with its partners – IT sector member companies – formed an integrated artificial intelligence, e-commerce and process automation systems cluster called “HighTech Kaunas”. To strengthen the cluster’s competitiveness abroad and to integrate it into international networks, an application for funding was submitted under the project “Expo Cluster...

Why .NET Core is a Game-Changer for Modern Development
Let`s talk about a framework that our developers are probably most passionate about – .NET Core. Here are some of the key reasons for it`s rise in popularity: With all the advantages, there are also a few things to consider when choosing .NET Core – I has very limited support for older libraries and platforms...

HighTech Kaunas Cluster Joins International Business Networks
HighTech Kaunas Cluster is pleased to announce that it has officially joined several major global platforms designed to help businesses and service providers be reviewed, evaluated and expand their reach. From now on, cluster members are visible and accessible through the following renowned platforms: Joining these international networks provides cluster companies with the opportunity to...